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Showing posts from January, 2012

Week 2, Day 8 - First Weight In Since Joining WW...

Starting Weight: 169.4 lbs. Current Weight: 167.4 lbs. Current Week: -2.0 lbs. Total Weight Loss: - 2.0 lbs. I'm going to keep this super short, as I've had a long weekend and I'm really tired. BUT I did sneak into a WW location today to weigh in (unfortunately I couldn't go to my regular meeting) and I lost 2 lbs!!! I am super excited about this BUT since I weighed in last week in the a.m. and this week in the p.m. I can't help but wonder if I wouldn't have registered a larger loss had I weighed in this morning? Here's to small successes!!!

Week 1, Day 4 - Happy Birthday to ME!

Wow! Today begins my last year in my 30s. Or as I like to look at it, I'm 21 with 18 years of experience! Well, no matter how you look at it, I've turned 39 and I'm one year closer to my metabolism backfiring on me. So, I'm especially glad that I have made this change. I'm on Day 4 and while things aren't "perfect" for me, I am keeping track of every bite I take and holding myself complete accountable for my choices. Back to my birthday. My daughters greeted me after work with big hugs and kisses and fabulous handmade birthday cards. Those are the greatest gifts of all! I also received some fabulous gift cards for iTunes (workout music?) and Starbucks (lucky for me they have good, healthy choices!). I feel so spoiled! For dinner, I was given the option to choose my place of dinner. Where did I pick? Home. My hubby made me shrimp, steamed in Old Bay Seasoning, twice-baked potatoes (not my finest choice, but yummy nonetheless!), and a glass of white wi...

Week 1, Day 2 - I really need to do this...

Here it is day 2 and I've had several moments where I wanted to gnaw my own arm off. But for the sake of losing my butt, I completely ignored my ruthless cravings and pushed ahead. I know I wasn't truly hungry because I felt like I was having cravings, I wasn't really starving. I need to get past these feelings to my true feelings and then I'm fine. I just reflected on my photos from yesterday and I truly think that posting them was the right thing to do. It is a true wake up call for me to realize that I am much bigger than I visualize in my mind. It is funny that I visualize myself as a thinner person and I'm truly not. It makes me sad to see the pictures of me, because I've never been that person. Oh well, she's going away and the real me will be out to play soon enough!

Week 1, Day 1 - Looking for the Old Me!

Starting Weight: 169.4 lbs. Current Weight: 169.4 lbs. Current Week: +/- 0.0 lbs. Total Weight Loss: 0.0 lbs. I named this blog "Brand New Amy" but truly I should have named it "Find the Old Amy"! I am not looking to turn myself into someone new, I'm actually trying to find the old me. Once upon a time, I was a more "normal" sized person. Over time, I've gotten away from who I used to be and now I'm trying to get back to who I was. This morning, I joined Weight Watchers for what is "hopefully" the final time. I've tried in the past and more recently I've tried online. Unfortunately something hasn't clicked, until now. I am going to work this program EXACTLY as it is supposed to be worked and I'm going to do it for me. Yes, I want my family to be proud of me. Yes, I want my family to see what healthy looks like, but for once, I'm going to put me first. I deserve it! This next part scares me. I'm going t...