Well, I haven't been successful on my journey after 'firing' Weight Watchers but I have held my weight steady for the past couple of months. I was thinking of starting back up at WW but I want to try something more 'realistic' for me. So after doing a lot of research, I've decided that I'm going to give Clean Eating a try. It sure seems an awful lot like Weight Watcher's old CORE program, or as I like to call it "back-to-basics". I'm heading out of town on Sunday to watch my daughter compete at her gymnastics meet and lucky for me, it is near a Trader Joe's! So, mama's doing a little shopping on her way home! Wish me luck!
I have been on a roller coaster this past school year and I cannot get my act together. My motivation is null. I know that in order to truly get my life in order, it has to come from within. Unfortunately I cannot seem to find that internal motivation. It is so frustrating. I've missed my last two WW meetings due to other commitments and I know that is half my battle. The other have is definitely my lack of motivation. I need to change that. Where do I begin? Here. WHY do I want to lose weight? GOOD HEALTH: My cholesterol keeps creeping up on me. My latest overall score? 234. That is the highest it has been and I know that with diet and exercise I can drop that number WAY down. MY DAUGHTERS: My husband and I are both overweight. We were not always this way but after we graduated from high school and started making bad choices, the weight crept on and hasn't left. I don't want my daughters to follow in our footsteps. I want them to learn good eating and exercise habi...
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