About a month ago I stumble upon the nicest website, Dashing Dish. This gal, Katie, created this site to share some fabulous recipes and exercises. I've been peeking at it ever since and then finally, today, I decided to pay for a membership ($5 a month is what she suggests but if you can't afford that, then Katie will take less. Be honest people!!) and get access to all of the recipes. I'm going to make a menu for next week, develop my grocery list, and shop! I'll let you know how it goes!
I have been on a roller coaster this past school year and I cannot get my act together. My motivation is null. I know that in order to truly get my life in order, it has to come from within. Unfortunately I cannot seem to find that internal motivation. It is so frustrating. I've missed my last two WW meetings due to other commitments and I know that is half my battle. The other have is definitely my lack of motivation. I need to change that. Where do I begin? Here. WHY do I want to lose weight? GOOD HEALTH: My cholesterol keeps creeping up on me. My latest overall score? 234. That is the highest it has been and I know that with diet and exercise I can drop that number WAY down. MY DAUGHTERS: My husband and I are both overweight. We were not always this way but after we graduated from high school and started making bad choices, the weight crept on and hasn't left. I don't want my daughters to follow in our footsteps. I want them to learn good eating and exercise habi...
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