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Showing posts from February, 2012

Week 6, Day 37 - Weigh In Day!!

Starting Weight: 169.4 lbs. Current Weight: 157.4 lbs. Current Week: -2.4 lbs. Total Weight Loss: 12.0 lbs. Today starts my 6th week on WW and my 5th weigh in {aside from my original weigh in!} and I met my 10 lb. goal! I am officially down 12.0 lbs! I am absolutely THRILLED with this! I'm starting to notice my pants getting smaller and even my shirts getting smaller. Even my parents have started noticing my weight loss. This is so exciting! My overall goal is about 50 lbs. So, right now I've lost about 25% of my goal. Crazy! Crazy! Crazy! I have to say, I completely support Weight Watchers and especially their in-person meetings. This is really working for me! #1 - 5 lbs -  met on 2/5/12 #2 - 5% {8.5 lbs} -  met on 2/12/12 #3 - 10 lbs. -  met on 2/26/12 #4 - 10% {17 lbs} - #5 - 25 lbs. - #6 - 125 lbs. {44.4 lbs lost} - #7 - Goal! {50 lbs} -

Week 5, Day 36 - Has It Really Been This Long?

I was recently told but someone important to me {no, not my hubby!} that I lack follow through when it comes to stuff. Initially I was taken aback and completely offended, but after a little bit of time and some thought, I had to agree. I really, really suck at follow through. I have not miraculously become the follow through queen, but I am certainly getting better at it. I sit here tonight, er, this morning and reflect on the last 35 days of being on WW and I am really proud of myself and how I've handled this lifestyle change. Do I need improvement? Absolutely! But I'm gaining control over myself and what I put into my body. Follow through? I think so. Now to follow through on some other things in my life... Oh! I almost forgot! I need rewards. Yep, I need rewards. Who doesn't?! So, here are my current rewards planned for weight loss goals met... #1 - 5 lbs -  met on 2/5/12 {gave myself a pat on the back for this one!} #2 - 5% {8.5 lbs} -  met on 2/12/12 {Got a Shel...

Week 5, Day 29 - Crisis Averted!

Starting Weight: 169.4 lbs. Current Weight: 159.8 lbs. Current Week: -1.2 lbs. Total Weight Loss: 9.6 lbs. Well, I weighed in this morning to a 1.2 lb. weight loss. I'm so excited!! I wish it were closer to the 2 lb. mark but I'm thrilled that it was even a loss. So, now that I'm 29 days OP I really need to start looking at my exercise habits. I need to start exercising! I have a fabulous treadmill in the basement but no motivation to use it. I keep saying I'm going to get down there and do it, but I keep putting it off. Found this today. Might have to try it:

Week 4, Day 28 - My First Real Bump in the Road

So, last night my hubby and I went to a fundraiser called "Soups-N-Suds" where many local businesses (restaurants, taverns, liquor distributors, etc.) provided tasty treats and yummy beverages all in the name of charity. My hubby and I tagged along with another couple and really had a great night. So, where's the bump you might ask? Well, if you scroll down to my post on Day 15, you'll note that I talk about writing down everything including my alcohol consumption. Well...last night was really hard. First, we ate a variety of "little" things (small cups of soup, little snackies, etc.) and drank a lot of little beers. Unfortunately {here is where I hang my head in shame} I did overindulge in the Suds part of the night and I'm not quite sure how to track it. So...what I ended up doing was taking my remaining PointsPlus for the day and the remaining weekly balance and put them down as my total intake for the event. Well, that number was 52, so I'm reall...

Week 4, Day 25 - That says it all!

I cannot believe that I'm on Day 25 and going strong! Okay, well, today I felt a little weak but for the most part I'm going pretty strong. :) I'm very happy with my progress and even felt a little success today in the form of looser fitting pants! That's right folks, my pants are feeling looser!! Woot! Woot! Now I haven't moved down a size, yet, but the fact that I can button them without sucking everything in is a total bonus for me. Wahoo!! Not bad for someone 25 day OP!!

Week 4, Day 22 - Wahoo! 5% Goal Met!!

Starting Weight: 169.4 lbs. Current Weight: 161.0 lbs. Current Week: -1.8 lbs. Total Weight Loss: 8.4 lbs. I did it! I did it! I met my 5% goal today! I lost 1.8 lbs which put me just at my 5% goal! Woo hoo! I needed that! #1 - 5 lbs -  met on 2/5/12 #2 - 5% {8.5 lbs} -  met on 2/12/12 #3 - 10 lbs. - #4 - 10% {17 lbs} - #5 - 25 lbs. - #6 - 125 lbs. {44.4 lbs lost} - #7 - Goal! {50 lbs} - I rewarded myself with a "food" item {which I know I'm not supposed to do, but hey, it was a Starbucks skinny latte!!} by treating myself to a coffee this morning. Now I'm off to make some returns and do a little shopping. I wish I fit in smaller pants but that will come in time.

Another Quick Post!

I need to get this info down for myself {i could probably add it to my sidebar but i'm not quite sure how!} so that I can see what my "goals" are! LOL #1 - 5 lbs - met on 2/5/12 #2 - 5% {8.5 lbs} - #3 - 10 lbs. - #4 - 10% {17 lbs} #5 - 25 lbs. - #6 - 125 lbs. {44.4 lbs lost} - #7 - Goal! {50 lbs} - Okay, so #7 is a little lofty, as I probably don't HAVE to lose 50 lbs. but I would love to give it a try and see what happens! I'm going to copy, paste and update this post each time I meet a goal! Woo hoo! With any luck, I'll meet goal #2 tomorrow!! {crossing fingers!}

Week 3, Day 21 - I'm SO Hungry!!!

Okay, so I'm lying a little bit. I'm not starving as my post title would imply but rather I was very hungry all day today. I think sitting around the house (it is FREEZING outside) will do that to a gal. So...rather than getting up off my tush today, I sat and allowed myself to feel hungry all day long. My fault. My bad. BUT one good thing did come of it today! I realized that it is true that if you drink more water you will feel fuller longer! Yeesh, I need to start believing that! So, what have I been doing with my time since I sat around all day? I played on Facebook and Pinterest, that's what! I found some great pages on FB and some yummy-sounding recipes on Pinterest. I love those time-sucking sites! :)What's next for the rest of my evening? A little cleaning and hopefully a viewing of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part I . I'm so excited!! Tomorrow is another WW meeting. I'm really looking forward to it. I've been pleased with my results and ha...

Week 3, Day 15 - Weigh In!!

Starting Weight: 169.4 lbs. Current Weight: 162.8 lbs. Current Week: -4.6 lbs. Total Weight Loss: 6.6 lbs. Well, I had my 3rd weigh in today and I'm down 6.6 lbs! Woo hoo! I am thrilled!! Some people might say that 3.3 lbs./week is a bit much (2.0 lbs. last week and 4.6 lbs. this week) but for me, it is just a case of having a really crappy diet up until now. My body must really be enjoying the fruits and veggies that I've been adding to it lately. I'm fully anticipating that my weight loss will even out shortly but for now, I'm enjoying the ride!! What has been successful for me so far? Tracking! I have been writing EVERYTHING down! I mean everything! The other day I had pizza and beer. I wrote it down! I will admit, that 5 points for a beer is a bit much so it has kept me sober!! LOL {Not that alcohol is a problem, I was just trying to crack a joke!} I'm looking forward to the week ahead! I think I'm going to add exercise and see where that gets me!

Week 2, Day 14 - Getting Ready for My Third Weigh In!

I'm really, really excited right now and very proud of myself. Here I am at Day 14 and I've tracked EVERY SINGLE BITE that I have put in my mouth! It sure is a wake up call to toss a 6 point cupcake in your mouth during the middle of the day but it made me realize how crazy my food habits can be! I'm certainly learning a lot about myself right now. Sadly, I'm still not sure how to change my family lifestyle. We have really scattered eating habits and while I wish we were a family that sat down to dinner every night, we aren't. My husband works a 24 hour shift three days out of every nine so that puts a damper on things to start. Then to top it off, my one daughter works out at her gymnastics gym three nights a week, so if those are days that day doesn't work, we could end up with only one or two real family nights. It really sucks!! Grrr... Anyhoo. I'm very proud of myself. I've been working hard at this, trying to be consistent and above all? Being hon...