I'm really, really excited right now and very proud of myself. Here I am at Day 14 and I've tracked EVERY SINGLE BITE that I have put in my mouth! It sure is a wake up call to toss a 6 point cupcake in your mouth during the middle of the day but it made me realize how crazy my food habits can be! I'm certainly learning a lot about myself right now. Sadly, I'm still not sure how to change my family lifestyle. We have really scattered eating habits and while I wish we were a family that sat down to dinner every night, we aren't. My husband works a 24 hour shift three days out of every nine so that puts a damper on things to start. Then to top it off, my one daughter works out at her gymnastics gym three nights a week, so if those are days that day doesn't work, we could end up with only one or two real family nights. It really sucks!! Grrr...
Anyhoo. I'm very proud of myself. I've been working hard at this, trying to be consistent and above all? Being honest. Some days suck. Tonight was difficult (I had trouble finding something to cut my craving for junk food!) but most days are pretty good. I think this is going to get easier. Well, at least I hope it does!!
I have been on a roller coaster this past school year and I cannot get my act together. My motivation is null. I know that in order to truly get my life in order, it has to come from within. Unfortunately I cannot seem to find that internal motivation. It is so frustrating. I've missed my last two WW meetings due to other commitments and I know that is half my battle. The other have is definitely my lack of motivation. I need to change that. Where do I begin? Here. WHY do I want to lose weight? GOOD HEALTH: My cholesterol keeps creeping up on me. My latest overall score? 234. That is the highest it has been and I know that with diet and exercise I can drop that number WAY down. MY DAUGHTERS: My husband and I are both overweight. We were not always this way but after we graduated from high school and started making bad choices, the weight crept on and hasn't left. I don't want my daughters to follow in our footsteps. I want them to learn good eating and exercise habi...
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