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Showing posts from February, 2014

Weigh In #7 - Good Bye 150 lbs.!!!

Woohoo! I broke 150 lbs.!!! Okay, maybe not by much...but still, I'm under 150!!! I didn't quite make my 10# mark but next week, for sure! This has been a great week. I'm so, so proud of myself. I was talking to a friend, who shall remain nameless for now, and she and I talked about the fact that I have very little variety in my meals (at least in terms of breakfast and lunch) and while it doesn't work for everyone, I'm making it work for me. For breakfast, I usually have a smoothie or a latte. At snack, I have fruit or veggies. Then I eat Taco Soup every work day for lunch. I usually plan dinner at the last minute but if I am "stuck" for something to eat, I have oatmeal (I LOVE oatmeal). It is my "emergency" food! LOL The weekends are a little less structured for me, but so far I'm doing alright. If I hit a rut, then I'll mix things up but I don't want to toss something new into the mix if what I'm doing works! I know some people...

Weigh In #6 - Success!!!

I am SO excited!! After a crappy WI last week, I had an awesome WI this week!! As I mentioned last week, I decided to give Simply Filling a shot and see how it goes. Well...I met success this week and a HUGE success at that!!! Woohoo!! I am so proud of myself. I took lunch to work daily, I made sure I had plenty of snacks on hand, and I did allow myself a couple treats from time-to-time. Last night was a rough night for me. I wasn't starving, but I had some monster cravings and I think it was because I knew that I had an important (to me) weigh in today. It definitely paid off to be in control and stay in control!! Here are my results... Starting Weight: 169.4 lbs. Current Weight: 150.6 lbs. Current Week: -4.8 lbs. Total Weight Loss: 18.8 lbs. So, now I've hit my 5% goal (the new one, anyway!). My reward is a new water bottle/tumbler or coffee mug. Hmmm...decisions, decisions!!

Shopping, Cooking, and Facebook...Oh My!!

Woohoo! Today I hit the grocery store and stocked up on some WW Power Foods! I am set for breakfasts, lunches and snacks!! Dinners may be a little tougher but I think I'll be fine. :) For lunch this week, I made a delicious Taco Soup that I found on Brooke: Not On A Diet . She had FABULOUS success on Weight Watchers and I now consider her one of my heroes!! My only change to the soup was that I added a pound of ground turkey so it looks more like a chili than a soup. Nonetheless it is soup-er yummy and I highly recommend that you scoot over to Brooke's site and try it out!! For the rest of my meals and snacks, I purchased some lite breads, 94% fat free popcorn, frozen fruits, yogurt, etc. So excited to be able to eat without counting points!! I think I actually ate less the last two days than I normally would! Woot! Woot! So...Facebook. I have a private, personal account that I use to keep up with old and new friends. I love to follow other bloggers and finally decided ...

Weigh In #5 - My First Gain

Yuck. I gained. It sucks. There isn't anything I can do about it EXCEPT pick myself up, brush myself off, and keep trying! Today I decided to give the WW Simply Filling technique a try. I used their CORE program way back when it first came out and I actually found that I loved it! It was easy to do and I didn't feel deprived. Crossing my fingers it works again!! Today I am spending time searching the internet for good ideas from other bloggers and creating my menu for the week as well as a shopping list. Can't wait to get started!! The best part about SF? I can drink my Starbucks and not count the points!! Woohoo!! Starting Weight: 169.4 lbs. Current Weight: 155.4 lbs. Current Week: +1.6 lbs. Total Weight Loss: 14 lbs. I do have to say that I am proud of myself for one thing. I went to my meeting today. I knew I was going to gain. I had a HORRIBLE week. I could have stayed in bed this  morning  and skipped my meeting, but I knew better. I'm glad I went. I feel bette...

Feeling Frustrated Today!

This has been a rough weekend. I feel like I'm PMSing (but I'm not!) and no matter what I eat, I cannot seem to feel full or satisfied. I want junk food and I want it now! I'm burning through my WW points and my extra points and I'm going to be out of luck for the rest of the week. What is my problem?! I'm stressing out and this isn't helping!!! UGH!! I messaged a gal via Facebook {see her blog here: The Daily Mel } who I follow and adore, and her advice to me was to write a list of what will happen if I give up and stop trying. She is right! So here that list goes: I will gain back the 15 lbs. I have already lost  I will not get into that size 6 bathing suit I want to wear to Vegas this summer I will continue to look at the scale as the enemy I will not smile at myself in the mirror because I will know that I gave up I will not see a better cholesterol level this summer (this should really be #1) Those are my top 5 things that will happen if I give up...

Weigh In #4

This has been a rough week for me and today it showed. I only lost 0.4 lbs again this week but, again, I should probably just be grateful that it was a loss and not a gain! So, I'll just pick my self up, dust myself off and keep on going today!  Starting Weight: 169.4 lbs. Current Weight: 153.8 lbs. Current Week: -0.4 lbs. Total Weight Loss: 15.6 lbs.