Woohoo! I broke 150 lbs.!!! Okay, maybe not by much...but still, I'm under 150!!! I didn't quite make my 10# mark but next week, for sure! This has been a great week. I'm so, so proud of myself. I was talking to a friend, who shall remain nameless for now, and she and I talked about the fact that I have very little variety in my meals (at least in terms of breakfast and lunch) and while it doesn't work for everyone, I'm making it work for me. For breakfast, I usually have a smoothie or a latte. At snack, I have fruit or veggies. Then I eat Taco Soup every work day for lunch. I usually plan dinner at the last minute but if I am "stuck" for something to eat, I have oatmeal (I LOVE oatmeal). It is my "emergency" food! LOL The weekends are a little less structured for me, but so far I'm doing alright. If I hit a rut, then I'll mix things up but I don't want to toss something new into the mix if what I'm doing works! I know some people think this isn't a practical way to live, but hey, my old "practical" got me to 170 lbs. Practical doesn't necessarily work for me!
Starting Weight: 169.4 lbs.
Current Weight: 149.6 lbs.
Current Week: -1.0 lbs.
Total Weight Loss: 19.8 lbs.
Starting Weight: 169.4 lbs.
Current Weight: 149.6 lbs.
Current Week: -1.0 lbs.
Total Weight Loss: 19.8 lbs.
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